
Journaling Coach for Women Entrepreneurs

Exquisite Pause for Thought and Me Time Journaling for Stress Management and Resilience

Carol Brennan

Do you feel like you never have five minutes to yourself between juggling clients, writing your newsletter and taking the car for a service?

If you’re like most female entrepreneurs I’ve worked with, you’re struggling to achieve balance. The result: a big headache and all you want to do at the weekend is lie in a dark room. This wasn’t the life you signed-up for.

That’s where I come in. Let me help you de-stress, get calm and achieve the life you dreamed of when you first started your business.

Journaling for Stress Management and Resilience

How is this possible? Through the magic of journaling. I and over a hundred of my clients have been able to pinpoint what’s holding us back, work on a solution and get into a positive mindset to move forward.

While I can’t guarantee you’re achieve a six figure business (and you might not want to anyway), what I can promise you’ll be able to transform hurdles into growth and I believe that is priceless.

Don’t delay. Contact me today for an obligation free chat. Happy journaling!

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